Tag Archives: Harry Potter

Final Harry Potter Published This Day

hp covers
On this day seven years ago, July 21, 2007, the seventh and final installment of the Harry Potter series was published. I still remember reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows through the night and then feeling a sad weight in my stomach as I closed the back cover on Harry, Ron, Hermione, and the magical world they inhabited. O! The finality of it all!

Imagine my surprise when, a couple weeks ago, J.K. Rowling posted a new short story about Harry and the gang on the Pottermore website, shocking and elating millions of readers and eventually causing the site to crash. Haven’t read the story yet? You can read an excerpt here.

The story is sparking speculation that a new book or movie could be in the works. What do you think? Will we see a new book or movie? Do you want to see a new book or movie?

Harry Potter and the Order of Felt

Blogger Julie Gillrie has created an amazing Harry Potter activity book made entirely of felt! Although her “quiet book” is intended for toddlers, it certainly appeals to Potterheads of all ages.

 I mean, who doesn’t like finger puppets?

Julie has patterns for purchase on her Etsy store, so you can make your very own Harry Potter Quiet Book. And rejoice sci-fi fans, she has also created felt books for Star Wars and Star Trek (the Next Generation it should be noted, lest you pine for a “Pet the Tribble” activity).

Let’s sign off with this priceless Picard page:


47 Candles for J.K. Rowling

“I wrapped it myself.”

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